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Like it or not, stress is a part of most of our everyday lives. Doing nothing about it will only make it worse.

Stress can cause a lot of problems

There are a number of things that can stress us every day – relationship problems, job-related issues, health issues, traffic, noise – the list is almost endless. But there are a few things you can do that will help you get through your day without getting overly affected by stress.

Let’s look at some really effective stress-busting techniques that you can start using right now.

Work Out More

Start working out more

One of the best ways to release your stress is to exercise. It’s important to be active if you want to get better at managing stress. Any form of exercise can make a huge difference to your stress levels. Exercise may not totally eliminate stress, but it will get your body to secrete feel-good hormones called endorphins.

Anything like yoga, aerobics, a short brisk walk, or even some laps in the pool will do. An additional benefit apart from these hormones is, you will start concentrating on yourself and less on all the worries and things that are causing you stress in your life.

Connect with People

Friends can help manage stress

The second stress-busting technique is connecting more with positive people around you. This will not work if you are surrounded by negative people. Positive people can help you lift up your mood quickly.

If you have someone among your friends, colleagues, or your family members with whom you can share your problems. When you share your problems, you will get a much better perspective of things. It will help you look at other options, adopt new points of view and think of things in a completely new way.

We are social animals and support from our society – our friends, family members, or colleagues is a very important component in our mental wellbeing.

Start connecting with people. Sometimes we get so busy with life so much that we don’t have time to connect with people around us. If you are like that, look at how you can change that and go talk to your friends or better still do some activities together. That can help relieve your stress. Being with friends can also make you laugh. Laughing is such great medicine. So, start connecting.

Avoid Unhealthy Habits and Cultivate Positive Habits

The third technique is to try to avoid unhealthy habits. Many people tend to depend on external substances to help them get rid of stress. Sure, a drink or a cup of coffee may temporarily help elevate your mood. But they cannot solve your problems or address the root cause of your issues. Also, in the long run, they will make you dependant on these substances and worse still they can add to your stress.

Instead of relying on drinking or smoking, if you focus on taking action to address the thing that’s stressing you out, you will not need to use these substances as crutches to prop you up.

Stay Positive

I know it may sound like an odd piece of advice to someone who’s already stressed out. How can you stay positive when you are always stressed? But being positive is a habit, and it can be developed if you really want to. If you are one of those who are always complaining about your work, about your family, or about your life in general, then you’ve got to STOP RIGHT NOW! Complaining will not help you. Thinking sad thoughts will not help you. Blaming others will not help you. You need to get back into the driving seat of your mind ASAP.

Start being positive, start appreciating the things around you. Remember being positive is a choice. You can force yourself to be positive if you want to…or you can take the easy way out and keep on blaming everything, and everybody else for what’s wrong in your life.

If you take a few minutes every day, at the end of your day, to note down three things – just 3 things that went really well for you, you will start seeing a huge difference in your attitude. Think of what you are really grateful for.

The reason this is a great technique is that even if you are extremely stressed by the end of the day, writing down the things that went well will force you to look at the positive things in life.

Replace the Word ‘Worry’ with ‘Excitement’

Worries add to stress. But did you know that your mind doesn’t actually know the difference between worry and excitement? Most of the physical symptoms are the same. It’s only the negative thoughts that accompany your worries and the word ‘worry’ itself that sends the signal to your mind that it is a negative emotion.

So, the trick is to say you are excited every time you start to worry about something. For example, if you are worried about an upcoming presentation or meeting, keep telling yourself you’re excited and can’t wait for it to start. This will confuse your brain. It may feel odd and uncomfortable at first when you say it. But in a few days, you will be able to replace worry with excitement. Soon you will be able to eliminate many of the every day worries. This will go a long way in reducing stress.

There, you have it now, powerful stress-reducing tips that, if practiced regularly, can make a huge difference to your life.

If you are serious about changing your life and mastering techniques to succeed in every aspect of your life, you might want to consider signing up for my Life Skills Coaching package. You can get more information about it here: Get Coaching.

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